
Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November 2024

Language : Indonesia

Publisher : Faculty of Law  Universitas OSO, Indonesia

Authorship Diversity : Universitas OSO

Published: 2024-11-29


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Journal Title : Noblesse Oblige Law Journal
Abbreviation Title : NOLAN
Frequency : 2 Issues Per Year (June & November)
P-ISSN : 3064-0229
E-ISSN : 3063-3192
DOI Prefix : -
Editor in Chief : Sandy Kurnia Christmas, S.H., M.H.
Publisher : Faculty of  Law, Universitas OSO

Noblesse Oblige Law Journal (NOLAN) is an open access and peer-reviewed legal journal, published by the  Faculty of Law Universitas OSO which was founded in 2023. NOLAN aims to be a means of disseminating knowledge through legal education and research platforms written by national and international academics, researchers and legal practitioners. The scope of legal scholarship offered on this journal platform is not limited to legal scholarship, such as Criminal Law, Islamic Law, Human Rights Law, Administrative and Constitutional Law, Agrarian Law, International Law, Cyber Law, Environmental Law, Philosophy and Legal Theory, and Sociology of Law.